On Monday the girls went with Kirsi to the ranch where she trains horses and got up close and personal. The had a great time. We aren't really horse people (not yet anyway) but we are surrounded by horse country, and it is such a treat that the girls could take a 45 minute drive and arrive at this real working ranch, where they helped feed the animals and sat on the horses (India got a ride but the manager said Dayssi is too small to ride -- you can see she enjoyed just sitting up there plenty).
After they returned I took Dayssi for her blood test (counts are good and high), and on our way home we saw some smoke up in the hills near our house. We got home and went upstairs to see if we could see a fire, and we couldn't, but it wasn't long before we heard fire engines zooming from all directions, coming up the road that used to be our driveway. Soon there were helicopters dumping water and fire planes spraying fire retardant and, although we still couldn't see flames, I started getting calls from neighbors across the street, whose houses are up on a hill, sounding panicky and offering to help us evacuate. "Can you see flames?" I asked. "The entire hillside is on fire and it looks like it is moving toward your house!!" One neighbor on our side of the street called to say that the firemen told her the fire was blowing past, but not toward our houses, and he told her she could stay put. But just in case I decided to put some valuables in the car and get us all out of there. It is an interesting exercise, trying to decide what you should take when you are leaving your house not knowing if it will be there when you return. I couldn't think very clearly, but ended up grabbing some important papers (I guess I was imagining being stuck in various government agencies for days on end trying to place birth certificates, marriage license, passports etc.), jewelry (huh? do i even wear any jewelry?), and finally, OH YEAH, I remembered I had to get Dayssi's medicines. As I walked into the kitchen to get them I looked out the kitchen window and saw a row of flames within meters. It seemed to be just on the far side of the hiking path behind our yard. So we moved pretty quickly then into our cars and got the heck out of there, driving past news vans, stopped cars, and hundreds of voyeurs standing right across from our driveway. Nice. It does not inspire confidence in the emergency notification system.
Maybe they knew we were ok. The fire basically flowed past our house like a river, across the foothills, and finally went out when it reached Page Mill Rd. Well, it mostly went out, because every night since Monday fire trucks have zoomed up our side road at least once to put out a tree that has burst into flames or something. We smelled smoke for a bit this morning actually. But there isn't too much left to burn up there, and clearly the fire folks are watching carefully. Phew.
In retrospect I'm sure I didn't grab the right stuff, but I'm glad we got out of there and that no one was hurt anywhere. India was pretty scared though, running around trying to figure out what to take of hers (her kindergarten papers! they can never be replaced! or her shoes, which she started loading into a paper bag). What a cutie. Apparently her friends on the hill who could actually see the fire were even more traumatized. Dayssi was oblivious.
Oh, and Jim was teaching while this was going on, and since he lost his cell phone on Sunday there was no way for me to reach him. I left a few messages on his office phone asking him what he wanted me to take out of the house for him, but he never got the messages, at least not until the fire was out. Apparently he walked in the house at 8pm and wondered why it was so smoky. The girls were there with Kirsi, but I was at my first acting class. Yes, you read that right. More on that another day.
Sorry I didn't get pictures of the fire -- it wasn't on my to-do list at the time.