Thursday, February 15, 2007

Back in and out of ER

Jim and I were enjoying an early Valentines Day dinner when we got the call from home that Dayssi was complaining of an ear ache. She and I were back in the ER by 8:00pm with a fever of 101. Luckily it is a slow night in the ER and we have done all of the routine tests and received results already. Her ANC is 570; below 500 is neutropenic and would've led us to be admitted. Phew. She has an ear ache but also her lung does not sound clear even after the antibiotic prescribed last week so they are prescribing a different antibiotic that should take care of the bacteria in both.

Dayssi was not overly stressed by the IV tonight, just a little nervous, and she did not fight or resist at all. We used the special patch that both numbs the skin AND plumps up the veins. Nice. One poke with one whimper and that was that. She reports it did not hurt, but she insisted on watching and was scared when the needle went in.

India's throat was still sore this morning so I kept her home from school. She was determined to deliver the Valentines that she made however, for everyone in her class, so Kirsi took her to school just long enough to wash hands, deliver the Valentines, pick up her own bag full of Valentines' treats, and come back home.


Elaine said...

That "special patch" sounds like a great invention. Maybe we should all ask for one.

Hope India comes through with only a minor cold and that Dayssi's antibiotics do the trick quickly.

Loads of love,

Christina (Megan's mom - ALL List) said...

Wow, I hope you all can get a break from ER's and urgent care clinics. Take care this weekend, and I hope everyone feels better soon!