Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bigger and Better Things

Yesterday was Dayssi's first monthly check-up since going off therapy.  Her blood looks perfect and so does the rest of her!  She does have a bit of a rash on her upper body, which started in Hawaii the week we stopped giving chemo pills, and got pretty interesting for a week or so; it is dying down now.  Apparently most kids get this rash post treatment -- no one knows why.  But it is good to know that it is normal, not unusual, not indicative of anything we should worry about, so we can just ride it out.  

Turns out we will not have any more LPs this year, contrary to what we were originally told.  Dr. Dahl reports that all of the ruckus we made earlier this year prompted him to look at the data before requiring us to do the LPs, and the docs all decided that they are not learning anything useful from doing the extra LPs.  So, one (well actually four) less thing(s) to worry about.

Today was Dayssi's first day of kindergarten, and it was a success.  She made a new "best friend" whose name she can't remember, and came out of the classroom jumping, dancing and talking a hundred miles an hour.  India's first day of 2nd grade was also fantastic.  She loves her two new teachers and has lots of friends in her class.  She said tonight "I"ll bet tomorrow will be even better."  I want some of what she is having.

We'll update next month after Dayssi's check up, unless something really blog-worthy happens in the meantime, like good pictures of a soccer match, or something.