Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dayssi's Wish

The good thing is that there is little to report from the front lines in Dayssi's battle with ALL. She continues to do well, endured her monthly IV chemo on Monday without even a whimper ("I'm not gonna look and I'm not gonna cry!"). Today she is a little under the weather and the steroids haven't quite kicked in yet, but I feel confident that she and we will tolerate whatever is coming this week, and that by this time next week she'll be well on her way back to herself.

The Make a Wish folks came by the other night to ask Dayssi whether she has a special wish. She said that she wants to meet a real ballerina. They asked her what that means, and learned that she wants to go to a real ballet and meet a real ballerina and see the ballerinas putting on their costumes. The volunteers looked undaunted -- it seems doable and they are looking into it; no promises yet. They asked her for a second wish as a back-up, but she said she couldn't think of one. So we've been doing a lot of fantasizing lately. India suggested wishing to have one of Dayssi's baby dolls turned into a real, live baby! India is into magic lately and I think she's just curious to know if they could actually pull that off. But nothing else has captured Dayssi's dreams yet, besides the ballerina.

As I write this, I'm reminded of something that Dayssi said to me during the first week of her treatment, when she was still in the hospital and enduring all kinds of torture. I was holding her on my lap, trying to convince her to take one of her yucky medicines so that I wouldn't have to pinch her cheeks and force it down. She looked out the window and said, "If I was a bird, I would fly away from here." It is one of the only things about that first week that I remember.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I'm sure it is a blessing that you can't remember much from Dayssi's first week of treatments. And I'm sure there have been many times when Dayssi wanted to just escape from what she was about to endure. Hopefully, when this is all in the past, she will only remember a few things, most of them painless and forecasting a wonderful future.

Loads of love to you all,