Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Vincristine Shmistine

Mom is more upset about this than I am. Not that she isn't entitled to be angry about what they did to me... but I am OK so don't y'all worry too much.

Love Dayssi

PS: Do you like my stickers?


Anonymous said...

Hi Dayssi.

You are a pretty amazing cutie pie! We all hope you are getting better super quickly from your owie!

Emily's teachers told me that she told her class about her super brave and really fun friend Dayssi in circle time on Monday. The nursery school is raising money this season for the Canadian version of the Children's Wish Foundation. Emily talked about you meeting a real ballerina and all the kids and the teachers thought you were pretty special. Emily was really proud to be your friend.

We miss you and wish we could be there to give you lots of hugs and kisses (or that you and India could be here to play in ALL the piles of snow so you could laugh and giggle).

Lots and lots of love to you, India, Mommy, and Daddy!
Your friends,
Emily, Andrew, Cameron, John, and Karen xox...

Anonymous said...

We love your stickers AND you and we're glad you're not too upset about this.

Loads of love always,

Grandma and Grandpa