Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A week off chemo

Dayssi did not make counts today, so we are off chemo for a week. Her ANC is around 300, so she is neutropenic, and we won't send her back to school until it is closer to 1000 (1500 is at the low end of normal). Probably she is fighting a bug -- India missed school on Thursday and Friday last week because of a cold and sore throat, and Kirsi, who stayed home with India last week, has been out every day so far this week with the same thing. Dayssi was full of energy today, although by bedtime she was starting to unravel, and her nose was running a little. As long as she doesn't get a fever we should be able to ride this out at home. Fingers crossed.

The port comes out on January 30, assuming counts are up and Dayssi is healthy. Then we'll have to adjust to having blood drawn from inside the elbow. Whenever I talk to Dayssi about this she says " But I don't like that idea." They tell us they have an even better numbing method for that spot than for the port. But she is not persuaded. Something else to look forward to.

To end, here's a cheery anecdote. I met last week with one of Dayssi's pre-school teachers for a parent-teacher conference. We talked at length about how Dayssi is adjusting to being back at school, her medication cycle and side effects, etc. I mentioned at the end of our conversation that many children do show cognitive and motor deficits (which respond to therapy) after being treated for ALL, but often they don't get noticed until elementary school. The teacher laughed and said, to the contrary, she had witnessed some very impressive problem solving behavior just that day. Apparently, during snack time, this teacher was talking with the children at her table about a recent trip to Spain. She told them that she had seen a very interesting building that had about 25 chimneys! The kids were very interested in that and she asked them where they thought you should leave cookies for Santa Claus if there are 25 chimneys in the house. The first few kids to answer (some of whom are more than a year older than Dayssi, the teacher pointed out) said "the first chimney" or "the chimney with the stockings hanging on it," and then Dayssi said "you could leave the cookies on the roof, and then Santa could eat the cookies first, and then come down the chimney." Pretty good, eh?


Anonymous said...

We can't stop laughing!During our
Holiday visit we were impressed with Dayssi's Problem Solving. (Some of her solutions were at our expense).In a previous visit She told us that she was the Leader and indeed she is and will be. Dayssi is a fighter.Hopefully everyone's health has now improved, and Indi and Dayssi have returned to school.
Love Mom and Dad P

Elaine said...

We're crossing our fingers with you. And hoping you can banish the sniffles quickly. Love to all.