Monday, October 23, 2006

India Lost a Tooth

I am happy to report that this is the big news in our house right now. India lost her first tooth on Saturday night while eating a banana before bed. We never found the tooth, so we assume she ate it with the banana! India burst into tears after realizing she had swallowed it, for fear that the tooth fairy wouldn't come. But we left a note for the tooth fairy, explaining. And she came, and left some money! India and Dayssi were both thrilled. Dayssi is still looking under India's pillow now and then to see if anyone is there.

Subtext: Dayssi is fine. She is full of energy and has no fevers. She has had a bad sore in her mouth, which apparently comes from her low counts, which somehow break down her mucous membranes. It hurts when she forgets to chew on the other side. So, thank goodness there is only one sore. Tomorrow we have blood work and we'll find out of her counts are on the upswing yet. Not sure what to expect.

Oma and Opa came from New York to visit over the weekend. The girls had a great time and were sad to see them go this morning.

Jim, India and I got our flu shots on Sunday. It was insane -- thousands of (medically high risk) people standing for hours in packed stairwells at the medical clinic. There were elderly women holding on to one another and folks with walkers, just standing, standing, standing. And it was disorganized, people were angry and fighting about their respective places in the line. At the time we were there it seemed like about a 2 1/2 hour wait for a shot. I can't imagine what went wrong logistically, but it was seriously frightening.

With the concentration of people and lack of ventilation, I am sure that it was one of the most dangerous places we've had Dayssi in the past six weeks. After waiting for about 45 minutes, someone, whose voice I did not remotely recognize, opened my mouth and asked a health care worker with a badge to help us get Dayssi out of there. We were moved to the front of the line.

Tonight is my last night of teaching. Fantastic students, as usual, and I will miss the weekly dose of their intelligence, idealism, charisma, and love of life! It has been a breath of fresh air.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Congratulations to your inner mouth! I, who would never had had the nerve, am proud of you. Even those who resented your moving up would have approved if they knew what was going on.

Has Dayssi found the tooth fairy yet?

Loads of love to you all,
