Dayssi is on the mend. We arrived home from the ER at 4:20am on Friday, just exhausted. At one point during the drive, which I have done at least once a week for the past 9months and know like the back of my hand, I literally could not figure out where I was or what direction I was driving. It took me about 7 seconds to get the synapse to fire. When we got home I plopped Dayssi in bed and snuck in to tell Jim that we were home, and to ask him to get India ready and take her to school in the morning (2 hours later) without waking Dayssi and I. He whispered "ok" (India was sleeping next to him) and I hauled my tired a$$ into the top bunk in Dayssi's room. To my horror, I was awoken at 7am to the sound of Jim valiantly trying to keep India from waking us while he was wretching in the bathroom. Serious, serious stomach bug. At 7:03 he poked his head into Dayssi's room and informed me that he wouldn't be able to get India to school.
The adrenalin kicked in again, big time, when I realized that there was a decent chance that at least one of us girls would catch that bug within the next 24 hours, which, no matter who it was, would mean at least one more intense tour of duty for me without any recovery sleep or even time to decompress from the stress of being in the ER all night (just for starters, 3 needle sticks before a successful blood draw, and this was the first time drawing blood from inside the arm). The first day of Jim's bug my germ paranoia was relatively easy to manage, as he was in bed and mostly in our bathroom and I just kept everyone away from him. I know it sounds cold -- poor Jim! I wouldn't even pat him on the head without wearing latex gloves (not really, but you get the picture). Hey, I did call him on his cell phone every few hours to make sure he was ok!! But as soon as he was showing signs of hunger I was crawling all over him to sanitize himself, and every inch of the house that he had touched in the previous 48 hours. The guy got no sympathy. If you see him, be nice.
We'll have to add this story to our "bad wife" repertoire, which includes the night that Jim was taken to the ER by paramedics (it was a scare, nothing serious), shortly after India was born, and I told him to call me when he was ready to come home and then promptly fell back asleep without remembering to turn on the ringer, which we had turned off to protect our sleeping newborn and our exhausted selves. He had to walk home from the ER in his socks, and throw pebbles at the bedroom window to wake me up and let him in. On his way home from the ER. I'm not kidding.
Jim feels fine now and no one else has caught the stomach bug. Dayssi is recovering from whatever gave her the fever, and she will complete her course of antibiotics tomorrow. Her counts are low again today, but that is not surprising while fighting a virus. So we'll skip school again for the rest of the week. India is complaining of a sore throat tonight. And so flu season continues.