Thursday, March 27, 2008

One more down, four to go

Dayssi had vincristine and a lumbar puncture yesterday and it all went well.  The vascular folks are on board and there was no trouble accessing Dayssi's vein (above the wrist).  We were at the hospital from 11am until 4:45pm -- Dayssi had to fast until 3:30 -- but she didn't complain and was her cheerful silly self throughout.  We have only four monthly vincristine administrations left before Dayssi goes "off treatment" in July.  We have exactly five lumbar punctures left, during which they inject chemo into her spinal column.  There is only one more  LP before going off treatment, but this procedure will continue every three months for a full year after she goes off treatment, as a precaution against a relapse in the central nervous system.  It is nice to be starting the count down.  


Anonymous said...

What a way to count! I love it!

Glad it all went well Monday. Dayssi is amazing to not complain about being hungry until after 3:30. You've got a very special child there. In fact, you have two.

Loads of love to you all,

Grandma and Grandpa

Unknown said...

Yeah for the Countdown!!! Although you've really been on the countdown path for a long time, it seems the end is really in sight now. You guys have been such amazing and passionate fighters on this one - Dayssi being the most amazing leader of all! It's been a lesson for all of us. We're rooting for you in the "home stretch".

Love, Kristen