Friday, November 17, 2006

Dayssi Rides

Yesterday both India and Dayssi rode bikes to school. Dayssi is peddling well but still not steering with any sense of cause-effect. The girls had a great time (India was very excited that Dayssi could ride with her) but I was a little stressed about whether or not we were going to make it to school before dismissal. Forget about on time. But, we were not late. Dayssi was mostly interested in showing the other kids that she could ride by herself but once everyone had oohed and aahed she was happy to let me push her trike with the handle, which obviates the need for both steering and peddling, and generally speeds things up (GRANNY AND GRANDAD, SELECTING THE PUSH HANDLE AS ONE OF THE TRIKE ACCESORIES WAS PURE GENIUS, THANK YOU).

India is out of school today with a tummy ache. It is too bad because yesterday her class prepared a Thanksgiving dinner, and they were supposed to eat it today. She was disappointed but is clearly not well, as she opted to stay home with Kirsi, instead of going to school, even though she did not want to miss the "feast". And if India says no to a feast, something is not right.

Jim and I are preparing for a long-overdue night away, as we are headed up to San Francisco on Tuesday to attend opening night at the San Francisco Opera. The preparations are not trivial, since this event is black tie and, needless to say, we have not been doing a lot of black tie lately. I think we've got all of our duds in order at this point, and we have a hotel reservation in the city. We were invited to the show. Now all we have to do is get ourselves up there and stay awake past 9pm.

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