Dayssi had her first na-na at 10 months -- which is kind of late to start -- and she was instantly hooked. I have dreaded this day ever since. But now that it has come and almost gone (seven hours until morning) without incident, all I can say is: Thank you G*d for creating the na-na, and for guiding my child to it when you did. It has gotten us through so . . . much . . . crap.
Thank you also for giving us the strength and the wisdom to let her keep using it, until she was almost 5, despite the obnoxious gratuitous comments of many many complete strangers who have felt compelled to tell her that she should take it out of her mouth because pacifiers are for babies. Who are these freaking people, and why are they bothered by Dayssi's pacifier??
Anyway, our love affair with the ubiquitous na-na appears to be over. On to bigger and better things.